Are You Ready for Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery is something that more and more Americans are turning to. The US is currently the fattest nation in the world and something has to be done about it. That's where weight loss procedures come in. But when it comes to these sorts of surgeries there are also a number of recovery options available, and it's these that must be taken into account.

Main Types of Surgery

• Lap Band
• Duodenal Switch
• Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
• Sleeve Gastrectomy

The Principles of Weight Loss Surgery

The principles of weight loss surgery are either reduction or bypassing. Reduction is the principle of reducing the size of the stomach. If the size of the stomach is reduced then that means it can hold less food and take in fewer calories. If it can do this then it will stop the person from eating as they will feel full much faster. That means they will be physically stopped from consuming more. Over time the stomach increases as surgery recovery commences, but not so much as to jeopardize the benefits that are gained from this.

Bypassing is another method that cuts down on consumption as it completely bypasses parts of the digestive system. This means that the energy and the calories are going directly into the digestive system and are not just sitting around doing nothing. It will cause the feeling of fullness to come much faster, and that's why those who undergo a surgery involving a bypass will find that they will lose weight.

Surgery Recovery

When it comes to one's recovery options much of them is just a case of waiting. Immediately after surgery there will almost certainly be some minor pain. This minor pain means will continue for a few days, however it will disappear after a while. Painkillers can be employed to help dull the throbbing.

Invasive procedures will generally involve a few days stay in a hospital with an extra few months to resume all normal activities. In many cases, a drip inserted directly into the body may need to be used to get those important nutrients into the body. The reason a drip is used is because the digestive system will most likely be too fragile to resume its normal function for the moment.

As for diet, this will vary depending on the procedure. It really depends on how invasive the procedure was and the type of procedure used. In the case of invasive surgeries the drip, as already mentioned, will be employed for the first few days. After this it will come down to liquid foods with a small amount of solids. Lap bands decrease the stomach size by so much that liquid food is the only way to actually eat as initially the pouch will be about the size of a walnut. Over time, as the body recovers, more and more solid foods will be implemented into the diet to help with recovery after weight loss surgery.

Having a slimmer body makes many aspects of your life easier and also improve your self esteem. Click here to look at some of the recovery options following surgery.
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Weight Loss Tips And Tricks That Lead To Success

Weight loss success is sometimes elusive. There are many diets out there that set unrealistic goals and make unlikely promises. Because everyone is different, weight loss goals and programs must vary. The information in this article may assist you in concluding what is beneficial and what is not.

It has been shown that having a small amount of sugar after exercising can actually be beneficial. Having that sugar with a high protein food lets your body break down the ingredients and deliver badly needed fuel to recently used muscles.

It is best to eat early in the day and try to eat dinner by at least the early evening. When you eat earlier, your metabolism has more time to work off the calories. It's been proven that the metabolic rate slows down at night as the body prepares to rest. By eating earlier in the evening, you help your body to quickly burn off calories before you turn in for the night.

It's best not to the think of your program as a diet. Losing weight and keeping it off is about changing your lifestyle permanently, not dieting for a short time. When people ask how you're losing weight, tell them you are simply making better food choices.

If you go out to eat and you can choose either salad or soup, choose the soup option if the soup is clear, but if the soup has a lot of cream or is thick as if it were stew, choose the salad. Eating a soup or salad before a meal will reduce the amount of your entree you eat.

Stock up on sauces or marinades that include chili peppers. Chili peppers are known to temporarily boost metabolism and energy levels, which can help you lose weight. Use it on your eggs, chicken and other sources of protein. Introducing chili pepper sauce will make your diet new and exciting.

Consider losing weight with a supportive partner and take advantage of the power of team work. You two can exercise and diet together, share any problems you both are experiencing, and celebrate whenever you succeed. When you have to answer to another person, you are much less likely to slack off on your diet and workout routine.

Make sure your goals are realistic. Most people begin a diet with a goal weight in mind and this gives you something to aim for. While goals are important, you will become discouraged if you set them so high that you can't possible achieve them. Unrealistic goals are the key to failure in your weight loss plans.

Always make sure you are drinking enough water in your daily activities. Many people drink about eight glasses daily to remain hydrated. During the summer and spring, it is imperative to consume more water than usual. Drinking a bunch of water can keep the digestive system going and you will feel more full.

Weight loss should come at about the rate of 1 to 2 pounds per week or 1 kilo per week. If you have a lot of weight to lose, your first efforts at weight loss might yield more extreme results, but you don't want extremely fast weight loss to continue.

To get exercise, find activities that you find enjoyable. Some great ideas are to ride the bike, go to the park for a walk or even go out and wash the car. These types of activities are all actually forms of cardio. Choose activities that you enjoy and attempt to keep doing them.

The beginning of this article mentioned the difficulties involved with weight loss. Some of this difficulty is self-created; many people set goals that are impossible to reach due to unrealistic claims by marketers. Using strategies like those above can help you live healthier and succeed with your goals.

Mahesh Patel
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10 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Really Work!

Here are ten fast weight loss tips that's going to give you the results that you've been looking for. So be sure to follow them step by step. You are going to be shocked at how fast you can achieve your goal. It does not matter which tips you decide to follow, just be sure to do them.

First Tip - Drink lot's of water. The trick to drinking water is simple not keeping drinks in the refrigerator full of sugar. You will be surprised of the weight that you will lose by substituting water for drinks.

Second Tip - Don't keep foods in your home that you know are fattening. It's very easy to pick up some potato chips or a candy bar, when it's right in front of you! Exchange these items for some fruit.

Third Tip - Involve your family into your challenge. Their support will be very encouraging. Ask them to help you stay on track while you are on your way to accomplishing your goal.

Fourth Tip - Don't eat large portions of foods. Many times out of habit we over fill our plates. Begin to focus on the amount of food you eat.

Fifth Tip - Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Whenever you do this, it will cause you to pick up foods that's usually not good choices. It's very hard for you to think healthy foods when you are hungry.

Sixth Tip - Omit bread out of your diet. Bread is very fattening. Try making a weight loss meal plan. There are many substitutes that you can use in place of bread.

Seventh Tip - Monitor your weight regularly. When you actually see the difference in the mirror, it's very encouraging. There are some creative weight loss products to help you do this

Eighth Tip - Celebrate your accomplishments no matter how small it may seem. Be sure to do something other than over dosing on food. Buy yourself some new clothing or some music you enjoy.

Ninth Tip - Challenge yourself to meet small goals on your way to your big goal. Holding yourself accountable will cause you to reach your big goal faster.

Tenth Tip - Liquid Diet weight loss is a good way to reach your goal too. However, you don't won't to over do it. Be sure to choose wisely. The Lemonade Diet is a very popular one.

The 10 tips that I've just shared with you are great tips that work. Go ahead and start them today and you will be pleasantly surprised!

I've been comparing new ways to lose weight for years and that's why I can assure you that these tips work! If you are serious about losing weight, you really want to put these tips in action. Get many more free tips by going to this site now!

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Guaranteed Weight Loss

Guaranteed weight loss is something that many people today are striving to achieve. It is a known fact that there are more and more overweight people today simply because of the lifestyle that is being lived. With people always on the go and the "instant" mentality on the rise; we can see fast food chains popping up out like daisies and nutrition is not considered as much as in the past. We can also see that more people are not motivated as much to exercise. However, despite it all most people desire to be fit and live healthy lifestyles. Guaranteed weight loss is something that can be achieved by anyone at any age if they just have the right discipline, attitude and motivation to be consistent and keep going.

Here are some suggestions that people of any age should remember when you want to lose weight. First it's important to eat healthy. If you are eating well balanced meals and getting the right intake of food in the food pyramid, you will feel better and start to experience a sense of well being and be less prone to sickness and diseases. Eating a healthy diet is an important part of achieving the guaranteed weight loss. Make sure you get wholesome starchy food and have at least five portions of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Be sure to eat a moderate amount of meat and try to find the low fat kind. If you want to eat your "treat" food, make sure you also eat it in moderation and little salt always work best.

Another factor in losing weight would be through physical activity and exercise. Try to find a physical activity or sport that you can enjoy. If you enjoy doing a particular sport or fun activity then you can see guaranteed weight loss start taking place. One of the best motivations in doing some kind of activity is having friends to do it with. You will be even more motivated to be consistent if you join together. Sports such as volleyball, basketball, or baseball are just some things that can be fun. Swimming can keep you cool. Yoga and Pilates is also a great form of being relaxed and experience well being.

Now watching your calories is sometimes difficult to do. However, there are small things that you can also do every day which can help in guaranteed weight loss. These small things include: taking the stairs instead of the elevator; keep walking up while the escalator lifts up; walk or bike to a short distance destination; or basically park your car farther or get off the bus at another stop so that you can walk the rest of the way to school or to work. Taking these tips to heart will help you achieve what you want.
Next, to find out how to lose weight the easy, fast and safe way download my proprietary "Lose 10 lbs in 7 days" method here now:

After testing hundreds of methods, this FREE report is full of quick and easy weight loss programs solutions for any age, size or gender. Download it now and star losing weight today!
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Simple Kitchen Tricks to Weight Loss

Sometimes weight loss means more than just altering the foods we are eating to lose weight as there are many factors outside of the diet that contribute to its success or its failure, and some of it you may be doing to yourself.

Take a step back and look at the very vessel that you use to prepare your meals. Simply altering a few features in your kitchen could make the difference in your weight loss goals.

One simple cost effective thing you can do to assist in your weight loss is the idea of 'out of sight, out of mind.' Just by keeping the foods that contribute more to weight gain and mental happiness in your diet should be tucked away so you won't be obligated to eat them. An example of that would be to put your berries in the freezer, or your apples in the bottom drawer of your refrigerator.

These foods are necessarily bad for you, but due to their high sugar content if you over consume them it could potentially lead to weight gain. By hiding them away it will force you eat them only when they are needed, like after a workout. This way when you are just looking for a snack you might resort to something containing fat for sustained energy, or higher in protein to speed up your metabolism.

Another idea for arranging your kitchen is keeping your spices out where you can see them, like over the stove or on an open shelf. Spices are a simple way to add additional flavor to your cooking. Not only do they make food taste better they also possess some healing qualities. If you find yourself suffering from chronic joint pain try spicing your meals. Joint pain is often caused by inflammation. There are a lot of spices out there that help reduce that inflammation. There are also spices out there that can help speed metabolism as well as help regulate blood sugar.

One other idea to have your kitchen assist in your weight loss is to change your dishes. This idea may cost some money, but your health is worth it. Just by reducing the size of your dinner plates, getting shallower bowls, and smaller mugs you can reduce your portion size without even knowing it. That way when you sit down for that family dinner you will actually find yourself eating less over the course of the meal without feeling restricted.

These are just a couple of simple, cost-effective tricks you can do to transform your kitchen to aid in your weight loss goals.

If you enjoyed this article then head on over to Eating To Lose for more free information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.

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Natural Weight Loss Supplements for Women

Losing weight is among the most difficult tasks on the earth; perhaps because the majority of you aren't conscious of the natural weight loss supplements for women that can make you look sexy and young in a couple of weeks. The single most common mistake women make while looking for fat loss supplements is that they go for chemically processed products that may work in the short run but over a period, the person becomes dependent on them to stay in shape. In addition, most of these pills and processed chemical formulas alter the working of your heart and other body organs. So ultimately, they turn out to be unhealthy for the person's physical and general health.

Having said that, natural weight loss supplements for women do not have harmful effects. They assist our body to enhance its organs and circulatory system and metabolism to the extent that the body works more effectively without being hooked on external stimulants. When evaluating weight loss supplements, perhaps you may encounter numerous pills and brands claiming to have 100 percent natural ingredients within their products. However, it is really not always the case; usually, the nature of the herbal product is changed completely by little processing and its benefits therefore are turned into secondary effects for the body.

Below are a few very effective natural weight loss supplements for women, which can help you shed much fat in a month. However, it should be noted here that all those natural supplements work as long as you keep a check on your diet and make your body used to some regular exercise whether, either walking or exercising. Natural or processed supplements alone cannot make a significant difference at the end. Let's look into those weight loss supplements.

Green Supplements:
These nutritional supplements can be obtained under different names and brand symbols. Green supplements usually comprise of small capsules that include extracts of just about thirty to thirty six green leafy vegetables that help improve the metabolism of the body. Initially, the diet plan supplement will surely have an opposite effect i.e. your craving for food might increase but after a number of days, the body adjusts to the properties of these capsules. Once adjusted, it cuts down on your appetite while increasing your metabolism, as a result, you start burning the excess fat within your body.

Alkaline Supplements:
Alkaline vitamin supplements work by maintaining the acidity level of your system. They also come in the form of tablets, which will be consisting of natural products with high alkaline properties. These natural weight loss supplements for women affects the digestive system of the body; improving its efficiency and assisting you in digesting your meals quickly. Furthermore, it makes you feel lighter and enhances your psychical activity. The sense of drowsiness and laziness reduces and you feel like going out and walking around on a regular basis. Because your rate of metabolism and muscle increase, you will start shedding weight without making any particular effort.

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Making Weight Loss Easy

I've said many times that if you want to be successful in losing weight you have to make it as easy as possible for yourself.

It seems that most people who are considering weight loss go through a vicious cycle and there was recently an article about the science behind Fat Bastard's words in Austin Powers, "I eat because I'm depressed and I'm depressed because I eat."

I don't know if I agree with the depressed part of it but if you call it stress I can definitely see where you're coming from.

Most people it seems, will go on vacation or have a stressful event in their lives and eat with complete abandon for a period of a few days to a few weeks, all the while feeling guilty for the way they are eating. Finally, they decide it's time to get their act together and are extremely rigid and strict with themselves, diet wise, for a few days to a couple weeks.

This is all fine and good except for the fact that being extremely strict with yourself is tough. It's really no surprise that they give up after a little while considering they've put so much stress on themselves.
Also there have been numerous studies that say that willpower is a conscious act in the brain that takes a lot of energy. Many people don't have that energy and the only place they can get it is through more sugar in their blood and subsequently, their brain.

With all this considered it's easy to see why it's so hard to lose weight.

So where does that leave us?
Like, I said at the beginning of this article and I'll likely say many more times, if you want to be successful, you have to make it easy for yourself.

So how do we do that?
Well, if we consider that long term weight loss is a long freakin' journey and not just something that can happen in a few days or a few weeks we have to get used to the way life is going to be as we're losing weight.

Personally, tracking calories gave me success and will give you success if you stick with it.

So just considering that, what's the easiest way to count calories? Just get used to it.

Start out by simply recording everything you eat, even if you choose not to eat well.

There are numerous apps, websites and programs out there that can help with this and finding the one that works for you is also important, but that's another topic for another article.

Pretty soon, you'll get used to recording your food, it takes a couple of weeks for that habit to form but once it does, you can consider adjusting your calorie intake.

Weight loss really comes down to calories in versus calories out, as I've said many time before, so personally I think counting calories is the best way to lose weight but there are a plethora of other methods out there to assist you in your journey.

The point I'm trying to make is that whatever path you choose, don't just jump into it. Give it a good deal of thought and try to consider what would make it easy for you to follow that program for a long time, say a few months to a couple years. How are you going to get used to it? How are you going to stick with it?
Any major lifestyle change requires a good deal of mental energy.

A good analogy is starting a business, you wouldn't just jump into something you thought could make you money would you? You should plan, you should get your ducks in order before you start anything that is going to have a major impact on your life.

Weight loss is tough, what's the best, easiest way you can do it that you won't have a problem sticking with for a long time?

My advice, give it some thought.
Visit the How to Lose the Gut Website at for more articles and info!
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Meal Plans For Weight Loss Tips

If you're looking to discover some meal plans for weight loss then you not only have to find one that focuses on the amount of calories being consumed along with the kind of calories as well. The truth is that just about every body who seriously wants to lose fat needs to focus on their nutrition just as much if not more than their training program. Most people completely ignore what they're eating and instead just try to lose fat by working out but the truth is that your diet is going to make up the bulk of your results.

There are many gimmicky diets out there and the truth is that if you lower your calorie consumption and eliminate the unhealthy foods you can quickly lose fat. Most fad diets depend on some sort of gimmick because it will sound like fun to the consumer and they'll be more likely to buy it. The most efficient way to lose fat permanently is going to be to start consuming healthy foods in moderate portions constantly. Most people start off dieting strong but eventually they make too many mistakes which lead to them ending right back up where they started.

One of the big mistakes people make when following meal plans who are looking to lose weight is that they severely restrict their calorie consumption. This may help you lose some weight in the short term but eventually you'll end up binging on your diet and undoing all the hard work you just went through. The secret is to eat a moderate amount of calories so you're not starving yourself and making sure those calories are coming from healthy food sources.

Make sure the meal plans you're looking to use are mostly made up of whole foods that have not been processed or had any added artificial ingredients to them. This means you're going to have to eliminate many of the bad carbohydrates from your diet such as pasta, spaghetti, bread and pizza. Instead focus on eating lean meats, vegetables, fruits and some nuts. Also it will be a wise idea to develop a meal plan that has you eating every three to four hours as it will help keep your blood sugar levels stable so you can maximally burn fat.

Hopefully you have found some helpful tips that will aid in your finding or development of a meal plan for weight loss. The key is finding a meal plan that you can follow long term and you won't get bored with. It'll be a wise idea to understand the principles presented in a successful meal plan so you can replicate it with other recipes so you can keep it fresh. This will not only help to prevent boredom but can keep your nutrition program fun so you will be more likely to stick to it long term.

This article on meal plans for weight loss  was written by a personal trainer who also runs a fitness boot camp.  For more on the meal plans for weight loss be sure to check out his blog on how to lose belly fat.
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Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss

One of the most successful nutrition plans for weight loss to be introduced in recent years is the Jillian Michaels weight-loss plan. The plan accounts for three major factors which influence weight loss success in the long term: self, sweat and science. The plan recognizes that the process of losing weight is both a physical and a mental one, and aims to provide a gimmick-free plan for lifelong health and fitness. The plan recognizes that all of the conflicting information about nutrition can leave many dieters feeling lost and frustrated, and breaks down exactly what you should eat to lose weight in a steady and sustainable way. The nutrition plan helps people to discover which foods are optimal for their body type and metabolic rate, the number of calories they should eat each day to ensure successful weight loss, recipes fully customized to body type that are delicious and easy to prepare, and tips and strategies for eating out without straying from your plan.

Today Show nutrition expert Joy Bauer has formulated one of the simplest nutrition plans for weight loss available. Her highly popular diet is now an easy step-by-step online diet program which is fully customized for you to get the best possible result. The plan emphasizes plenty of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, lean protein, fresh fruit and vegetables - plus a range of delicious and satisfying treats that you can enjoy guilt-free. There are plenty of online tools to help you along the way, including a calorie calculator which will provide you with the nutritional information of thousands of foods to help you make diet-friendly choices; a meal planner and hundreds of healthy recipes to help you get started in the kitchen; and a food log for recording what you eat during the day, so that you can track your weight loss properly. The program offers a free diet profile - participants take a quick and easy quiz and receive a personalized eating plan which is based on the principles of Joy's Food Cures.

The South Beach diet has been enormously popular in recent years, thanks to the endorsement of the diet plan by a number of high-profile celebrities, with more than 5 million copies of the book sold in the US alone. This is considered to be one of the best diets that work. Originally formulated by Dr Agatson, one of America's leading cardiologists, as a diet plan for his heart patients to improve cardiac health, it soon demonstrated its effectiveness as a weight loss plan. Like many recent nutrition plans for weight loss, the South Beach Diet is based on the principles of the GI diet. After an initial period of restricted carbohydrates, the diet slowly reintroduces foods which score low on the glycaemic index, helping to break the cycle of carb binges and emotional eating which many dieters falls into. During this first phase, simple carbs such as cereal, white bread, sweets, cake, alcohol, potatoes and bagels are banned. The diet instead emphasizes low-GI vegetables, lean meat and fish, nuts and olive oil. It is claimed that you can lose between 8 and 13 pounds within the first two weeks, and then a respectable 1-2 pounds every week after that.

For more information about these and other diets that work visit my website
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No More Diet Myths! Uncover Simple And Effective Ways To Have A Flat Tummy

The stomach is a problem area for most people. Fat usually accumulates in this area creating a big and unsightly tummy. There are lots of products out there, like pills and exercise machines that promise to get rid of the problem overnight. However, there are some basic rules to follow for the most effective ways to have a flat tummy. Start by just following some simple facts:

Minimize or totally eliminate soda and alcoholic beverages from your diet

Sodas can contain up to 200 calories per can while alcoholic beverages contain an average of 120 calories per serving. This means that drinking 3 cans of soda a day adds up to around 600 calories and 4 bottles of beer will add up to more than 400 calories. This is very detrimental to creating a daily calorie deficit which is imperative for fat loss. It is still best to drink water or fresh unsweetened juice.

Be More Active

According to studies, active people can burn up to 1000 more calories compared to the average person. It is very easy, go for walks during your lunch breaks or after dinner. Take up a sport like boxing, karate or anything that interests you. Look for acquaintances like colleagues who have the same interest and set a schedule. This way, you will more likely to stick to it.

Be a Calorie Counter

Of all the ways to have a flat tummy, maintaining a daily calorie deficit is the most important part of trimming down and stripping the layers of fat around your abdominal muscles. They are hiding under there! You need to at least have an accurate idea of how much you're consuming daily. Buy a booklet or make a printout of the caloric contents of foods that are usually included in your diet. This will help you make sure that you are eating less than your caloric needs for weight loss.

Eat Smaller Meals

Instead of eating three large meals per day, eat five or more smaller meals. This significantly increases the metabolism for faster fat loss. Eating smaller meals also prevent stomach bloating and gas. Make sure to eat some protein with each meal because this further increases metabolism and makes you feel full longer.


According to studies, stress is related to the storage of fat in the abdominal area. Stress releases a hormone called cortisol which promotes the storage of fat in the stomach area. So, that means it's scientifically proven that one of the ways to have a flat tummy is to stress less!:D
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Advice and information that absolutely anyone can follow... and it's really not that hard! For professional tips, tricks and advice on how to trim that stubborn tummy fat and get a fast six pack take a look at:
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Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss

Getting rid of those unwanted pounds just in time for summer crawls up everyone's priority list. Especially at this time of the year.
But what exactly do you need to watch? What are the secrets of nutritional sainthood? And how do I get there without breaking my budget?

On average, per day, how many calories do you consume? Do you even know? I suggest you find out.

And when you find out how many calories you consume per day I want you to shave a certain number of calories off.

That is one of the things that helped me lose 40 pounds in one summer.
An amazing weight loss nutrition program that I found happened to be one of the 3 reasons that I lost so much weight in such little time.

And...since time is not on your side this time of year. I'm guessing you would like results yesterday.
Nutrition for weight loss combines smart, slow and consistent eating. In order to effectively lose weight you need to understand what is meant by all three of these words.

Smart Eating:
A great weight loss nutrition program will always make sure that by the time you're finished you become a smart eater.

That means, those little cravings that turn into large feasts right before you head to bed will stop. Those binges of unhealthy food that seem like they are hard to resist right now ...won't be.

Slow Eating:
This was my toughest obstacle. I consume food almost as quickly as the roadrunner runs, and I had the gut to show for it, flabby arms. What helped me the most was realizing how quickly I did eat and then slowed it down.

As simple as that, this is one of the best nutrition tips for weight loss I have...
To find out my secrets on losing tons of weight! This is your last chance, before I take down the page.

Weight loss []

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